The effect of metallization contact resistance on the measurement of the field effect mobility of long-channel unannealed amorphous In-Zn-O thin film transistors

Sunghwan Lee, Hongsik Park, David C. Paine

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27 Scopus citations


The effect of contact resistance on the measurement of the field effect mobility of compositionally homogeneous channel indium zinc oxide (IZO)/IZO metallization thin film transistors (TFTs) is reported. The TFTs studied in this work operate in depletion mode as n-channel field effect devices with a field effect mobility calculated in the linear regime (μ FE) of 20 ± 1.9 cm 2/Vs and similar of 18 ± 1.3 cm 2/Vs when calculated in the saturation regime (μ FE sat). These values, however, significantly underestimate the channel mobility since a large part of the applied drain voltage is dropped across the source/drain contact interface. The transmission line method was employed to characterize the contact resistance and it was found that the conducting-IZO/semiconducting-IZO channel contact is highly resistive (specific contact resistance, ρ C > 100 Ωcm 2) and, further, this contact resistance is modulated with applied gate voltage. Accounting for the contact resistance (which is large and modulated by gate voltage), the corrected μ FE is shown to be 39 ± 2.6 cm 2/Vs which is consistent with Hall mobility measurements of high carrier density IZO.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3769-3773
Number of pages5
JournalThin Solid Films
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2012


  • Amorphous oxide semiconductors
  • Contact resistance
  • Field effect mobility
  • Indium Zinc oxide
  • Thin Film Transistor


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