The Measurement of Construction Error Technology for Deformable Modular System by Image Processing

Jong Hun Woo, Dae geun Kim, Hee Du Lee, Kyung Jae Shin, Hong Jin Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Modular structures are growing into a promising field in the construction field. However, the error between bolting, which occurs during on-site construction of a modular system, is one of the biggest drawbacks of a modular structure and is a serious problem that must be resolved. If this error keeps occurring, it can weaken the strength of the overall modular structure and can cause further damage. Therefore, precise measurement of displacement errors is required to reduce construction errors of modular systems. In this paper, we propose a measurement technique based on vison-based images without using displacement meter such as LVDT. This technique is consist of raspberry-pi cameras which is much more economical than displacement meters. Through image processing algorithm, displacement and angle can be measured. As a result, it is judged that the error rate for bolting can be minimized during construction of a modular system by measuring an error range of up to 0.24% through this technique presented in this paper.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1908-1917
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Steel Structures
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2022


  • Circle detection
  • Displacement measurement
  • Image processing
  • Modular system


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