The primary system for measurement of beta emitting radioactive gases at KRISS

Y. Seon, S. H. Hwang, J. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, D. H. Heo, M. J. Han, H. J. Kim

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Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) is developing a length-compensated proportional counting (LCPC) system as a primary system for standardization of beta emitting radioactive gases. The pilot experiment was performed with 85Kr and the optimized high voltage and pressure were found to be 1700 V and 0.203 MPa, respectively. The total activity of 85Kr was deduced by the length compensation of each count. The expanded uncertainty was estimated to be around 0.8% (k = 2) for the 85Kr measurement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109238
JournalApplied Radiation and Isotopes
StatePublished - Oct 2020


  • Beta emitting radioactive gas
  • Kr gas
  • Length-compensated proportional counter
  • Primary system

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