The Urban Eco-corridor Construction Strategy as an Urban Void-Focused on the High-Speed Railway Station Area Development of Stuttgart-

Yong Hwa Jung, Yong Seo Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Stuttgart Central Station, designed as an underground station, features a greened upper part known as the Urban Void, serving as a public space. This development strategy encompasses three key considerations. It focuses on creating a Transportation-oriented Corridor, promoting a mixed-use transfer linkage system that integrates both motorized and non-motorized vehicles. It aims to establish a Green Network Corridor, connecting major parks in the city center to form a Wind Ventilation forest. This complex system acts as a working landscape, serving ecological and urban spatial structure functions. Lastly, it prioritizes accessibility by developing an interconnection pattern that aligns with regional characteristics, effectively restoring the function of previously disconnected urban structures and physical connections. The high-speed railway station, a significant development area in the city, serves as a central hub for the Urban Eco-corridor development, creating a wide-area corridor that fosters synergy in urban development. It plays a crucial role as a catalyst for social and economic activities while serving as an ecological channel for urban climate control. In conclusion, the establishment of an Urban Eco-corridor construction strategy necessitates public-private win-win consultations, considering the laws and institutional frameworks established for each level of the urban spatial structure. By prioritizing collaboration and employing suitable institutional devices, the vision for an environmentally sustainable and interconnected urban landscape can be realized.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-76
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2023


  • Green-U Project
  • Stuttgart 21 Project
  • Stuttgart Central Station
  • Sustainable Land-Use Planning
  • Urban Eco-Corridor


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