Topologically Engineered Strain Redistribution in Elastomeric Substrates for Dually Tunable Anisotropic Plasmomechanical Responses

Asad Nauman, Hafiz Saad Khaliq, Jun Chan Choi, Jae Won Lee, Hak Rin Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The prompt visual response is considered to be a highly intuitive tenet among sensors. Therefore, plasmomechanical strain sensors, which exhibit dynamic structural color changes, have recently been developed by using mechanical stimulus-based elastomeric substrates for wearable sensors. However, the reported plasmomechanical strain sensors either lack directional sensitivity or require complex signal processing and device design strategies to ensure anisotropic optical responses. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports on utilizing anisotropic mechanical substrates to obtain directional optical responses. Herein, we propose an anisotropic plasmomechanical sensor to distinguish between the applied force direction and the force magnitude. We employ a simple strain-engineered topological elastomer to mechanically transform closely packed metallic nanoparticles (NPs) into anisotropic directional rearrangements depending on the applied force direction. The proposed structure consists of a heterogeneous-modulus elastomer that exhibits a highly direction-dependent Poisson effect owing to the periodically line-patterned local strain redistribution occurring due to the same magnitude of applied external force. Consequently, the reorientation of the self-assembled gold (Au)-NP array manifests dual anisotropy, i.e., force- and polarization-direction-dependent plasmonic coupling. The cost-effectiveness and simple design of our proposed heterogeneous-modulus platform pave the way for numerous optical applications based on dynamic transformation and topological inhomogeneities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6337-6347
Number of pages11
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number5
StatePublished - 7 Feb 2024


  • anisotropic strain sensor
  • directional sensing
  • heterogeneous modulus
  • plasmomechanical responses
  • stretchable tensile sensor


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