Triple VTe2/graphene/VTe2 heterostructures as perspective magnetic tunnel junctions

Lyudmila V. Begunovich, Artem V. Kuklin, Maxim A. Visotin, Alexander A. Kuzubov, Felix N. Tomilin, Anton S. Tarasov, Yuri G. Mikhalev, Pavel V. Avramov

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20 Scopus citations


New perspective 1.4 nm thick spin-polarized triple heterostructures based on graphene sandwiched between two vanadium ditelluride monolayers (VTe2/graphene/VTe2) were studied using ab initio DFT technique. Both possible trigonal prismatic (H-VTe2) and octahedral (T-VTe2) VTe2 phases were considered to design and study graphene-based heterostructures. It was shown that the interaction with graphene changes the electronic structure of 2D T-VTe2 from metallic to half-metallic, making T phase perspective to be used for magnetic tunnel junctions. The electronic subsystem of graphene fragment is slightly hole doped. Calculated tunnel magnetoresistance ratio for the favorable heterostructure configuration estimated within the Julliere model is 220%, which opens a way to use VTe2/graphene/VTe2 as prospective magnetic tunnel junction in novel spintronic nanodevices based on tunnel magnetic resistance and spin transfer torque effects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number145315
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - 30 Apr 2020


  • Density functional theory
  • Graphene
  • Magnetic tunnel junction
  • Transition metal dichalcogenides
  • Vanadium ditelluride monolayer


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