Ultra-fast Displaying Spectral Domain Optical Doppler Tomography System Using a Graphics Processing Unit

Hyosang Jeong, Nam Hyun Cho, Unsang Jung, Changho Lee, Jeong Yeon Kim, Jeehyun Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


We demonstrate an ultrafast displaying Spectral Domain Optical Doppler Tomography system using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computing. The calculation of FFT and the Doppler frequency shift is accelerated by the GPU. Our system can display processed OCT and ODT images simultaneously in real time at 120 fps for 1,024 pixels × 512 lateral A-scans. The computing time for the Doppler information was dependent on the size of the moving average window, but with a window size of 32 pixels the ODT computation time is only 8.3 ms, which is comparable to the data acquisition time. Also the phase noise decreases significantly with the window size. Since the performance of a real-time display for OCT/ODT is very important for clinical applications that need immediate diagnosis for screening or biopsy. Intraoperative surgery can take much benefit from the real-time display flow rate information from the technology. Moreover, the GPU is an attractive tool for clinical and commercial systems for functional OCT features as well.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6920-6929
Number of pages10
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2012


  • CUDA
  • GPU
  • OCT
  • ODT
  • Real-time


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