Ultrafast Excited State Aromatization in Dihydroazulene

Svetlana Shostak, Woojin Park, Juwon Oh, Jinseok Kim, Seunghoon Lee, Hyeongwoo Nam, Michael Filatov, Dongho Kim, Cheol Ho Choi

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10 Scopus citations


Excited-state aromatization dynamics in the photochemical ring opening of dihydroazulene (DHA) is investigated by nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations in connection with the mixed-reference spin-flip (MRSF)-TDDFT method. It is found that, in the main reaction channel, the ring opening occurs in the excited state in a sequence of steps with increasing aromaticity. The first stage lasting ca. 200 fs produces an 8π semiaromatic S1 minimum (S1, min) through an ultrafast damped bond length alternation (BLA) movement synchronized with a partial planarization of the cycloheptatriene ring. An additional ca. 200 fs are required to gain the vibrational energy needed to overcome a ring-opening transition state characterized by an enhanced Baird aromaticity. Unlike other BLA motions of ππ* state, it was shown that their damping is a characteristic feature of aromatic bond-equalization process. In addition, some minor channels of the reaction have also been discovered, where noticeably higher barriers of the S1 non/antiaromatic transition structures must be surmounted. These anti-Baird channels led to reformation of DHA or other closed-ring products. The observed competition between the Baird and anti-Baird channels suggests that the quantum yield of photochemical products can be controllable by tipping their balance. Hence, here we suggest including the concept of anti-Baird, which would expand the applicability of Baird rule to much broader situations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1638-1648
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - 25 Jan 2023


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