Urbach-Energy-Dictated Spatial Propagation of Electrons in Thermodynamically Tuned Amorphous Zirconia Thin Films

Jin Hyuk Kwon, Hyeonju Lee, Bokyung Kim, Xue Zhang, Jaewon Jang, Jin Hyuk Bae, Jaehoon Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Thermodynamically tuned zirconia thin films are fabricated for diverse Urbach energies in a homogeneous condensed system. In the analysis, the electrical breakdown of zirconia thin films is ascribed to the tunneling-driven electron propagation involving virtual photons. An externally applied electric field is considered to expand the Urbach-energy-characterized energy distribution of sub-bandgap states into their spatial distribution. In this expansion, the virtual-photon energies activate the tunneling-driven electron propagation through localized observer states. The integral of the virtual-photon energies over the entire tunneling path is equal to the initial energy barrier.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2101104
JournalAdvanced Materials Interfaces
Issue number20
StatePublished - 22 Oct 2021


  • electron propagation
  • tunneling of electrons
  • Urbach energy
  • virtual photons
  • zirconia thin films


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