Visualization of Sweat Fingerprints on Various Surfaces Using a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte

Joon Hyun Yoon, Young Jae Jin, Toshikazu Sakaguchi, Giseop Kwak

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


A conformation-variable conjugated polyelectrolyte responding to oppositely charged biomolecules was examined as an imaging agent for the detection of latent fingerprints (LFPs). Sulfonated poly(diphenylacetylene) (SPDPA) produces high-resolution fluorescence (FL) LFP images by simple wetting of the target objects with the polymer solution without any additional treatment. SPDPA readily interacts with LFP sweat components (especially amino acids) via electrostatic interactions, leading to significantly enhanced FL images in a "turn-on" mode. The FL emission enhancement was examined in a model reaction between SPDPA and an amino acid standard. Visualization with SPDPA is effective on various surfaces, including both rough (paper) and smooth (glass and plastic) ones. Moreover, SPDPA readily interacts with extremely thin sweat LFPs, especially on smooth glass surfaces.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24025-24029
Number of pages5
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number36
StatePublished - 14 Sep 2016


  • conjugated polyelectrolyte
  • imaging probe
  • latent fingerprint
  • sweat
  • visualization


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