Weak point disorder in strongly fluctuating flux-line liquids

Panayotis Benetatos, M. Cristina Marchetti

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We consider the effect of weak uncorrelated quenched disorder (point defects) on a strongly fluctuating flux-line liquid. We use a hydrodynamic model which is based on mapping the flux-line system onto a quantum liquid of relativistic charged bosons in 2 + 1 dimensions [P Benetatos and M C Marchetti, Phys. Rev. B64, 054518 (2001)]. In this model, flux lines are allowed to be arbitrarily curved and can even form closed loops. Point defects can be scalar or polar. In the latter case, the direction of their dipole moments can be random or correlated. Within the Gaussian approximation of our hydrodynamic model, we calculate disorder-induced corrections to the correlation functions of the flux-line fields and the elastic moduli of the flux-line liquid. We find that scalar disorder enhances loop nucleation, and polar (magnetic) defects decrease the tilt modulus.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-65
Number of pages11
JournalPramana - Journal of Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2006


  • Flux-line liquids
  • Point defects
  • Quenched disorder
  • Relativistic bosons
  • Superconductivity


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